Politics, Philosophy & Law Minor


The Law and Ethics of Putin’s War on Ukraine

The Politics, Philosophy & Law minor –  a discussion of the law and ethics of Putin’s war on Ukraine Join us Friday, March 11th, at 2 PM. The event is on Zoom and is open to the entire

Spring 2022 Events

Join us Friday, March 11th, at 2 PM. The event is on Zoom and is open to the entire Berkeley undergrad community. PPL minor students are required to attend at least two events per semester. Join Zoom

Discussion of film: The Trial of the Chicago 7

Please watch the film on Netflix and and meet to discuss on Thursday, April 15th, at 12:30pm for a lunchtime discussion. The Zoom link for the discussion is : https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/92582593483?pwd=R3J0S2lSRTEwRkhDYWFsa0hIK3NuZz0

PPL Minor Featured in the Daily Cal

UC BERKELEY LAUNCHES POLITICS, PHILOSOPHY AND LAW MINOR | The Daily Cal, 02/23/21 | BY EMMA TAILA | STAFF | UC Berkeley launched the politics, philosophy and law, or PPL, minor program, which aims to provide