Explore a Minor in PPL
About the Minor
The Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies program is offering an interdepartmental undergraduate minor in Politics, Philosophy and Law (PPL), starting Fall 2020. PPL’s ambition is to gather together a cohort of highly motivated students who are interested in the foundations of democratic governance and public affairs, and to provide them with a coherent yet interdisciplinary program of study in politics, moral and political philosophy, and legal studies, with intensive training in both analytical writing and in presentation of their work.
We welcome students from all Colleges and majors, who would like to strengthen these schools while reflecting on the most difficult and most important problems facing our communities, country, and globe. At other universities, such as Duke, Princeton, USC, and Yale, both majors and minors with these characteristics have proved to give students an excellent base for a wide range of graduate opportunities and careers. PPL will enable undergraduates to take advantage of one of the world’s greatest collections of scholars focusing on moral, legal, and political philosophy.
Student academic Advisor
Laura Spautz
The Student Academic Advisor’s job is to guide students and faculty as they navigate University, College, and Major Program policies.

Contact PPL Minor
265 Evans Hall